Cover Image for Ganas x WVS
Cover Image for Ganas x WVS
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Ganas Ventures
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About Event

SD founders, funders, and friends: Lolita Taub, GP of Ganas Ventures, will speak at the Women's Venture Summit in San Diego, CA, on Sept 25th! Her fireside chat will be at 5:25PM PT. RSVP on the WVS site here and see you there!

​​​​​✨ Lolita Taub, GP at Ganas Ventures
Twitter ​​​​| ​​L​inkedin | L​ | I​nvesting in early-stage community-driven founders at​ ​Ganas Ventures.

Ganas Ventures' sweet​ ​spot

  • ​​​Industries: Agnostic ​(n​​ot interested in physical products)​

  • ​​​St​age: ​​P​re-seed/​S​eed that provides 24 months runway 

  • ​​Post-money valuation​:​ ≦$10M

  • ​​Check: $100K

  • ​​US, Latin America ​HQ

  • ​​Delaware C Corps, Cayman Islands Holding Co ​x Delaware LLC

Know a great founder who fits our sweet spot? Send them to where they can submit for investment consideration.

Santa Monica
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Presented by
Ganas Ventures
Hosted By