DAO Symposium 2024
Connect, Learn, and Explore at the Forefront of DAOs
About this event
DAO Suisse is excited to announce the DAO Symposium 2024. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are a novel form of blockchain-based organizations with no CEO, but rules encoded in smart contracts. As DAOs evolve from their Ethereum roots to complex entities challenging conventional governance, the symposium serves as a platform to discuss the latest developments in in the DAO space.
Join us in Zurich to discuss the latest developments and emerging industry trends with exclusive speeches, discussions from experts in the field of DAOs. Don't miss the chance to stay ahead of the curve and explore the role of DAOs.
This event is organized by DAO Suisse in collaboration with Trust Square, ZHAW, and the UZH Blockchain Center.
Why attend?
Connect with experts in the DAO space, including industry leaders and researchers.
Learn from discussions featuring speakers from leading organizations.
Explore the latest in DAO operations, legislation, and community building.
Tickets and registration
Regular tickets: CHF 60
DAO Suisse members: CHF 20 (Discount code)
Virtual Attendance: CHF 20
Students: CHF 20 (please send an email with your student ID to info@daosuisse.com)
If you want to pay in in crypto, please contact info@daosuisse.com
Refund Policy: No refund of the ticket price is possible.
Web3 Foundation
Bill Laboon
Director of Education and Governance Initiatives at Web3 Foundation
Gold DAO
Melissa Song
Early contributor to Gold DAO
Michael Peterer
Early contributor to Gold DAO
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Prof. Bryan Ford
Associate Professor, Decentralized and Distributed Systems Lab at EPFL
Nym Technologies
Alexis Roussell
Chief Operation Officer & Board Member at Nym Technologies
Short Talks
Parminder Kaur Makode
PhD Candidate at University of Zurich | UZH Blockchain Center
Lorenzo Ronzani
Research Assistant at University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Jan "Puncar" Brezina
Co-Founder at Bankless Consulting | Author of How To DAO
Dr. Michael Lustenberger
Research Associate at Zurich University of Applied Sciences
DAO Suisse
Hongyang Wang
Council Member at DAO Suisse | PhD Candidate at ETH Zurich
Malik El Bay
Council Member at DAO Suisse | Partner Dezentrum
Florian Spychiger (Moderator)
Council Member at DAO Suisse | Research Associate at Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Romedi Ganzoni (Moderator)
Council Member at DAO Suisse | Legal Partner at MME Legal AG
DAO Suisse is Switzerland's leading community and resource for DAOs in Switzerland. We provide a dynamic platform by facilitating knowledge transfer, education, and collaboration between industry and academia, representing the interests of the DAO ecosystem in Switzerland, bringing people from all backgrounds together, providing a networking platform, and advocating for clear regulations to protect DAO founders and members.
Trust Square was founded by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, to providea space for innovation to flourish. With disruptive technologies as the common denominator, they connect founders, early-stage ventures, businesses, investors & academics and allow them to pursue their visions in an open, forward-thinking environment. They enable companies to maximize their potential by providing comprehensive support for daily operations, allowing them to concentrate on their core business.
The ZHAW Institute for Organizational Viability has led several projects on changing traditional, hierarchical-structured companies into innovative self-organized and decentralized organizations. A special focus is on applications of blockchain technology and decentralized autonomous organizations as well as the design of governance and decision-making structures. It is very active in this field through events, research and teaching of students.
The UZH Blockchain Center is Switzerland’s largest academic initiative in the field of blockchain technology comprising 24 professors from three faculties and eight departments with an active world-wide network of cooperations. The center brings together Informatics, Business, Economics, Finance, Regulation, Law, Mathematics and Complexity Science with several Faculty, Senior Researchers, PhD and undergraduate students to work on challenges in the blockchain field. It is also nurtured by a wide range of collaborations and visitors that make for a vivid and international environment.